Sunday, October 13, 2019

Realized something

The team was checking how much progress we've made on reaching our huge $2 million fundraising goal and we realized something

Beto for America

Hi Jason,

The team was checking how much progress we've made on reaching our huge $2 million fundraising goal and we realized something:

If everyone reading this email donated just $2.00, we would raise our entire goal and more. 

This campaign is counting on small dollar donors like you to help execute our new plan to win and to make this movement a success. 

Will you chip in today and show the world how powerful our people-powered campaign is?

Contribute $10

At the start of Beto's Senate race, no one thought we could compete against the giant corporate PAC's and wealthy donors that Ted Cruz had in his arsenal. 

We knew that if we wanted to take on the corrupt forces that have rigged our political system, it would take a lot of us working together, chipping in as much as we can. That's exactly what we did and how we became the team that broke every fundraising goal the political experts said we couldn't hit. 

We're on a mission to show the country again that our grassroots army is ready to defy the odds: Please chip in today to help us hit our $2 million fundraising goal.

Contribute $10

Counting on you.

Team Beto


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