Monday, October 21, 2019

Monday campaign report

Jason, this is a critical week for Team Beto. This is what we're up against:

Beto for America

Jason, this is a critical week for Team Beto. This is what we're up against:

- Beto still isn't qualified for the November Debate. The amount of money we raise this week will largely determine if we can qualify in time.

- A lot of powerful people are angry at Beto. They're scared of the fact that Beto has the gumption to say what he really thinks and campaigns on issues that he actually believes in.

- We're facing more attacks than ever. Trump has attacked Beto in speech after speech. The NRA knows we're serious about gun reform so they've been pushing attack ads against our campaign.

To put it bluntly: our attackers –– Trump, the NRA, Republican talking heads –– want to see us fail and would love to see Beto not qualify for the November debate.

Let's prove them wrong, Jason. Will you chip in $10 and show that we're fighting harder than ever to qualify Beto for the debate and bring his message of courage to the forefront of this election?

Contribute $10

We made it a point for our campaign to not accept a single cent from the super PACS or special interests that have influenced our elections. Those special interests are how we got Trump in the first place.

In making that decision, we placed our full trust in our supporters. We're counting on you to help us take on the powerful forces that have controlled our politics for too long.

Lots of people are watching whether our grassroots movement will rally to help us qualify for the November debate. Will you show them that Team Beto supporters are stepping up to fight and chip in $10 today?

- Team Beto


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