Monday, October 21, 2019


23. It's a number that's been popping up a lot today for our campaign.

Beto for America

Will you donate $23 to help get Beto on the debate stage next month?

(We'll explain why $23 later in the email)

Become an Official Debate Donor

23. It's a number that's been popping up a lot today for our campaign.

We're racing against the clock to get Beto qualified for the November debate. When we checked earlier, there's only 23 days left until the deadline to prove that Beto has enough support to qualify. 

And when we checked in with our finance team about how much money we've raised so far to help qualify Beto, we saw that $23 was the average donation amount we received this past month. 

I'm sure there are other 23-type-auspicious-signs we can point out as to why this is the perfect day to chip in $23 to Team Beto. But in all seriousness, these numbers paint a realistic picture of where our campaign stands. 

We have just enough time left to get the resources we need to qualify. But the only way we're going to get this done is if a whole lot more supporters give $23 donations or spare what they can to keep Beto's voice on the debate stage. Will you chip in and become an Official November Debate donor?

Contribute $10

With your help, we know we can get this done. 

Let's do this,

Team Beto


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